Wednesday, February 27, 2008

If today, you went to the Doctor and found out you had 6 months to live.What would you do differently? What would you change in your life? Would you keep everything exactly the same?
I think most people would say no,there would be a lot of things they would change.Things they would do.Relationships that they would try to mend.What would you get rid of and what would you keep.

Why is it that most of us choose to hang on the jobs we dislike. Relationships that suck the life out of us.We hold onto grudges way too long.We choose to be unforgiving to some.Choosing to hold onto that unforgiveness till the day we die,and the funny thing is the person we don't forgive usually doesn't know we are holding a grudge,And it is eating us alive, but meanwhile they go on their merry way,never realizing what we are holding onto.

We tend to walk through this life miserable at times.Plodding through our day.But when faced with the possibility of maybe leaving this earth,people go into high gear.They start to enjoy life.Even the small things that we over look each day.

I remember a time when I babysat my friends daughter Julianna ,she was around 3 at the time.One day I decided I would take her for a walk.She didn't want the stroller.Well, my children are older and I forgot how it is to walk with a small child.My plan was to quickly go around the block,she would then take a nap, and then I would have some quiet time.Her plan and mine were not the same,I soon found out. She was going to stop every foot and check out every rock,bug,and flower.Exclaiming each time "Look Dee!" Like she had never seen a grey rock or dandelion .I looked at her treasures but I had come to walk,and this was not going to be a quick jaunt around the block it was going to be an all day event.

Half way through she became tired and I had to carry her home,and we were not just a block or two away.But when she woke up all she could talk about was all that she saw on our walk.How many times do we overlook the small things in life.If your an adult probably quite a lot. If your 3 years old,you don't miss anything.And it is all exciting.Every day of your life is like going on a treasure hunt.You leave no stone unturned.You wake up excited and you go to sleep ,excited about tomorrow.

We need to look for the small blessings in life.We tend to notice the big ones,but most days we don"t have time to slow down and notice much.But it is the little things that became oh so important to those who's time is limited.

Each day the Lord fills our day with little blessings,and if we slow down and look around we will see them.I like to sit outside at dusk and watch the sunset.It is silent,except for the birds heading for home ,the geese flying in for the night or in the summer the bugs that come with warm weather.It is then when I quiet down and look around do I see what is around me.I can hear my self breathing ,which reminds me that I am alive,something we take for granted so often.

I hear the birds and the night sounds,which tells me I have the ability to hear and I am thankful for that.I love the sound of the silence at dusk.When we take the time to sit and see all that He has created it is amazing,and we become thankful for even the tiniest details.But when we are running full speed ahead ,looking ahead at whatever we hope to accomplish ,get or do, we miss all the little blessings and we forget how awesome He is,and how amazing life can be.

Why do we choose to run through this life when we have the choice to slow down and sit and take in all that is around us?.To spend time with those we love before it is to late.To remember that He has given us life and breath and a wonderful life that most days we take for granted.Why do we put off the important things for another day.What if that day does not come?.Why miss out on all He has put in front of us to enjoy.Take the time to notice the little things .Your life is a gift from God,now go and live it to its fullest.Live your life with excitement and joy.You will be glad you did.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24



Friday, February 22, 2008

This picture gives me the willies. I wonder if it is real or created on a computer.I can't even imagine what thoughts would run through your head if you were swimming up to a wave and there in front of you is a huge shark. I'm sure a million things would run through your mind but I can guarantee that the first one would be how in the world do I get the heck out of here.ASAP,I believe that even those who do not believe in God would be calling out his name.

I have a friend who has surfed around the world.In one country they are a mile away from shore,thats where the waves are.Two of them surf while the other two look for sharks.What I want to know is ,if they do spot one, do they realize that they are a mile from land? What now? Thinking of this scares me to death.But they love to surf and if a shark or two has to be there, oh well ,they keep an eye out,but they are there to ride the wave.

At times our life is like being at sea,we can float on our backs enjoying the sunshine, we can ride the gentle waves.At times they are small and few,other times they come in like a thundering wall of water that is being pushed by a storm,Huge rolling sets that knock us off our feet, rolling us under the sea,while we are gasping for air,trying to swim to shore.

Occasionally there is a shark or two, that will put fear in us, we are trying to enjoy the water and they appear out of nowhere.Sometimes it is just the little crabs grabbing at our feet, the sun light that is a little too bright that day, causing some uncomfortable sunburn,nothing to bad,but annoying and a bit painful.

Each day can change in an instant just like the tide.But like the surfers the one thing we need to focus on is the ride ,its all about the ride.There may be huge storms in your life, or there may be minor annoyances each day like the sunburn,but with Jesus we can ride it out.You cannot surf with out a surf board,and you cannot get through life without Jesus.There will always be those waves that come in here and there and knock us off our feet, there will be a shark or two that will show up when least expected to scare us half to death.Jesus is that hand that will reach in when you are trapped under that wave,and pull you to shore,He is the one who will protect you when the sharks show up.

Jeremiah 33:3 — “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Philippians 4:13 — “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.”

Joshua 1:5-7,9 As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and very courageous. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The path of life

Last night the weather was unusually warm for an evening in February. The sky was clear and I thought perhaps I would sit outside once I had finished the dinner dishes.At a second glance , I noticed the upper part of the sky was starting to darken,and rather quickly.Below the darkness you could still see some light peeking out but it was disappearing rapidly. The wind started to blow and the sky now looked black and angry.Thats when the downpour started.In just a few minutes everything had changed.

It reminds me of how life can be at times.We are enjoying sunny skies, no wind,no rain in sight.All of a sudden the sky darkens the wind kicks up and we are in the middle of a torrential downpour.It has come out of nowhere and we are standing there in disbelief soaking wet, freezing cold,unprepared for what is happening.We didn't see it coming.We didn't have time to prepare.

I remember a time in my life where I had wanted a child so badly. I watched over and over again,women who were angry they were pregnant,Women who didn't want their babies.Here was I, one who deserved a baby,one who would do anything in my power to provide and care for one, anything. I was not getting what I wanted.I prayed,I went on the endless quest from Doctor to Doctor,I prayed some more.But God was not listening.

Much to my surprise.I became pregnant.Finally God was listening to me,or rewarding me I thought.We had names picked out,we would wonder what he or she would be like.Until one day the unthinkable happened, The storm came without warning and I was not prepared.

It was Mothers day,the day that was created just for mothers, a special day to celebrate,Yet I knew by that afternoon I would not be celebrating this day. I had ended up in the emergency room, and by the next morning there was no baby.No baby that I would name. No precious little one that I would call my own.The harsh reality set in that I would not have the joy of seeing this child,that I wanted with all my heart, grow up.Of all days to lose a child, Mothers day.

Was this some sort of cruel joke? Was God punishing me for my past? Was I not good enough,so he decided to make me suffer? I could not and would not understand what was going on for the longest time.The pain in my heart was crushing at times.How could He do this to me? I was a good person,I helped others,I did what was right.And yet,drug addicts were having babies and leaving them in trash cans.

After a few years of trying We had become foster parents and over and over again I watched mothers having babies that they did not want,or care about . There were some of them with 5 kids already in the system,and a 6th one on the way.No prenatal care, no concern,nothing.I on the other hand would have done anything humanly possible to be able to have a child.Life was not fair.God was not listening .

Within three months we became foster parents to four children.One a newborn, Two days old and three siblings ages Five ,Seven and Nine. My thoughts were now taken off myself and were now on these 4 children.It was a time of growing and stretching for all of us. But a time I would not trade. When the baby was 6 months old he was adopted by his aunt and uncle who could not have children of their own.The day he left,they were filled with overwhelming joy ,our day was filled with a feeling of ones heart being ripped from ones body,a gaping hole left. a feeling of the life being sucked out of you,never to return.And there you remain an empty shell. I now understand when they say someone died of a broken heart.We thought this feeling would never leave us.We would feel this way for the rest of our lives.But we were so wrong.

A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant and 9 months later my Son was born.Seven years later my next son would be born.I now look back and can see the Lords hand in all of this.While at times I thought I was being punished. I was not. He is not a cruel and heartless God,ready to punish ,dealing out disappointment for his entertainment. He loves us so much.More than I ever could have loved the child that I did not see.The one that one day when I go to heaven, he or she will be waiting for me.

He had a perfect plan.I just didn't know it or see it at the time.I an blessed beyond belief with two wonderful Sons.My Foster kids are all in wonderful homes.We still see the three siblings and are thankful that their adoptive parents have let us still be a part of their lives.The baby is now 18 years old and I found his My space page online.He looks happy,he is handsome,and from what he writes he seems to being doing well.

I can now see if the Lord had given me my own child ,I would not have taken in the four children who to this day I love as my own.Who I know impacted my life so greatly.Who's lives I have impacted in some way.We were put together for a reason.

God is good.I can look back now and thank him for doing what He did.Even though my heart hurt at times,and I questioned his ways.He knew what was best.It is like a puzzle at times,each piece fitting into only a certain other.We do not know what the outcome will be ,but you have to believe it will be beautiful.

And at the end, our lives will have been a bit scary at times ,there will be sadness, and oh so many questions.But He will use it all for good.Know that each twist and turn and event in your life is part of his amazing plan. And when you look back one day,you will gladly do it all again. Believe me I would.

Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass ... Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."

Isaiah 48:17 I am the Lord your God,who teaches you what is best for you,who directs you in the way you should go.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Letter to my child

I got to thinking this morning.Of all the things we question in our lives. Why are we here? What is my purpose? Of all the things we go through and wonder why? They just don't make sense to us at times .We wonder what lies ahead . I think if Jesus could write us a letter,it would sound something like this.

Dear Beloved one.You who are my most awesome creation,

You must know that I do not make mistakes.I know you may argue with me sometimes,when you look in the mirror some days.But believe me,You are truly perfect in my eyes.There is no one else in this world that is like you. Do not believe the lies of the world.You are amazing,

I created you for a purpose. I watch you some days just sitting there,not believing that.You wonder why you are here?,You feel that you are nothing special.Well,have I got news for you! I gave you life and put you this earth to do my work.To have a life full of joy and blessings.You have great gifts and talents waiting to be used.There is an amazing life out there, just waiting for you to start living it.

Why, yes there will be days filled with pain.I do not promise sunny skies every day.But remember I am right beside you when you go through them.You will not understand why they are happening.But just wait,you will see one day why they had to take place.
Some days I will carry you in my arms like a father carries a small child when they grow weary and cannot walk any further. We will go through it all together.

I am perfecting you and growing you like the farmer who plants a seed in the field. It is watered and nurtured,at times the weather may be harsh,but the plant is growing stronger and can withstand the driving rain or wind.Here and there the farmer may prune the plant ,this may be painful at first but in the end it will grow vigorous and strong . More beautiful than ever. So trust me one that I love so much.Although you will have pain and heartache at times,you will emerge wiser and stronger than ever before.

I know at times you will question me.And that is ok.You see, On the day I created you.I knew what every day of your life would be like.I know it from beginning to end.You can only see what is happening now.At times I wish that I could give you a glimpse of what lies ahead,just so you would stop worrying.Oh if you only knew what wonderful things lay ahead you would stop being so fearful.You will have to trust me.Trust me with your life.For I have plans for you.Ones that you can never imagine,they are so wonderful.Each event in your life is part of my perfect plan.So even though there will ups and downs,disappointment,grief,and many questions.Trust me I know what I am doing.You will see.

And so my most precious creation all that I ask from you is that you believe what I have written in this letter.When you look in that mirror ,take a good look at my wonderful,perfect handiwork,You! Know that without a doubt I love you and all of those around you more than you will ever know.

Go and enjoy the life that I have given you.Do my work,ask me to show you what you are good at and where I want you today.Know that I am doing a mighty work in you.That each day of your life you are being perfected .Though you will have struggles and hard times,Remember I am with you and I have wonderful things ahead. I will give you days of overflowing joy,so much that you feel your heart will burst.I will provide for your every need .So beloved,I ask that you believe me with all your heart .I know what I am doing.Trust me I won't let you down.

Love Jesus

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Matthew 10:29
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered, do don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

These hands

Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit next to my son at church. As our children grow older we spend less time with them,they have friends, sports,and jobs.So any opportunity to sit with them is precious.

I was watching him rub his hands together,he plays the guitar and his fingers must have been sore.I watched those hands,The ones that used to play with play doh for hours,the ones that played pat a cake ,the ones that he would place one on either side of my face,press his nose to mine and say I love you to God and back a million ,billion times. The ones that play the guitar,the ones that are now bigger than mine .They are the hands of a young man. And they are so familiar.

I looked at each finger trying to remember whose hands he had, mine or his Dads.When they are small you can look at their tiny little body for hours.You memorize each crease,each little dimple,You can see your self in them.Your hands,your nose,even the way they lift their one eyebrow,just like you. We know every inch of their tiny bodies.

At times we seem to know what they are going to do before they even think about it. We know them better than they know themselves.But the funny thing is,they don't know that.Until they become adults with children of their own.So as they grow older they think they can hide things from us.But because we have watched them grow every day of their lives,we know their mannerisms,every thing about them,most of the time they can't hide things from us.

This is how it is with Jesus.He knows us better than we know ourselves.He knows each dimple,each crease,He knows exactly how many hairs we have on our heads.He created us.He knows what tomorrow will bring.What we will say and do.He knows what we struggle with.Our every thought.

He is there to hold our hands,the ones he knows so well.The ones that He created.We need to remember we are never alone.There is nothing about us that He does not know.

So,when you are feeling alone,He is there.When you think that no one knows what you are going through.He does.When the darkness closes in and we are fearful,and we don't know which way to turn.He is there.There is nothing that we can hide from Him.Go to Him and tell him whats on your heart.He's been waiting to hear from you.

luke 12;7 indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

Psalm 139:1-4

O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.


Monday, February 11, 2008

All things are possible

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth

We believe little because we've seen little,and we've seen little because we believe little.

Quite an eye opening sentence.How many of us truly believe that God can perform miracles? Some of us believe that yes, maybe for others,but for us,no I don't think so.Or maybe we have heard of them happening but never met anyone that has witnessed one.So does that mean that they don't really happen? And there are some that have truly witnessed one and are still scratching our heads in disbelief.

Jesus says that all things are possible if we believe.But what if we kind of believe? We don't really think He will come through and answer that prayer.Well maybe,I guess we will have to see?

It is like when you were a child.If you wanted to become a pro baseball player,you practiced constantly day and night, you dreamed each night that you would one day make it. You wanted to be ready for when you made the big leagues,you might have even practiced writing your autograph,so when you became famous you would have a fancy signature to sign for your fans.But one day someone came along and told you ,that you would never be the famous ball player you were dreaming of.You would only play for your local team,you weren't really that good.So you shouldn't dream big,just be content playing where you were.Don't get your hopes up they said. The one thing that you had hoped for most of your life, was now reduced to a pile of crushed dreams.

This is what happens when we doubt.We limit God.When He could do things that would astound us.He wants to show us what He can do.But we pray those half hearted lukewarm prayers with the question mark at the end.How can we expect him to do mighty things when we don't think He can.If The boy who wanted to play baseball had someone who believed in him,that knew He could do it.Don't you think there would have been a great possibility that He may have become a professional ball player? But he was limited,stifled because someone didn't think he could do it.They didn't believe in him.So he gave up and settled ,now playing for some little team,eventually losing interest in baseball all together.

It is only when we step up and pray boldly believing with all our heart that He is going to come through,He will do it in a big way.He will perform miracles that will blow your mind.That will leave you standing their with your mouth hanging open.But you must believe that He can and will.I pray tonight that you go to Him boldly and ask him to do the impossible.

I think of my mother who was healed from cancer last spring.We do not know why she was healed and there have been others we have known that weren't.But I do know in each one a healing did take place.While it may not have been a physical one like they had hoped.It may have been a healing of relationships within that family.It may have been emotional healing in that person. But I do know God comes through each time.Even if its not exactly how we want it.He knows best.But why sit back and hope for a miracle when you can go to Him boldly and ask for one.If you believe little you will see little.Don't put a limit on what He can do.He wants you to dream big and He will come through big.Remember all things are possible if you believe.

Psalm 77:14 You are the God who performs miracles,you display your power among the peoples.


Let your light shine

This morning I was out with a friend.As she was dropping me off at home.We noticed something on the grass. At a second glance, or stare is more like it,I realized that it was one of the stray cats that lives on our property.Stuck on its head was a plastic jar of peanut butter,Apparently it was hungry and was rummaging through the recycling bucket.We were laughing so hard watching the poor thing,It was walking slowly with its head bobbing side to side.Quite calmly I might add,even though it had its head stuck in a jar.I walked over to it figuring I was going to be attacked by a half crazed feral cat,but I got the jar off with one pull and away the cat ran.

Walking in the house laughing to myself I thought how would i like to walk around with a jar stuck on my head.You wouldn't be able to see well.It would be sort of hazy looking,It would limit where you go,How would you sleep?I think the air would be limited in there.You wouldn't be able to eat,and no one would hear you if you spoke,or meowed.Would we be so calm if a jar was stuck on our head? I can bet that I would not be calm at all.What if I was the only one around and the jar had to stay put? I would be running around trying everything in my power to pull the thing off.Trying to pry it off with a tree limb or something.

It makes me think of many Christians.We are happy in our little bubble.Everyone ,well almost everyone at church is happy and cheerful.If our children go to Christian school, all is well in the world,praise the Lord,our kids gets to pray in school,the nurse is allowed to hug them when they are not feeling well.We are in a well protected bubble.We deal with our own problems.We have enough of our own thank you very much.

But at times we are walking around with a jar stuck on our heads.We just see what is in front of us.We don't look to the left or the right.There are people suffering in our neighborhoods,at work,everywhere.But some of us,choose to look the other way,and let someone else help out.Let other people be the ones to ask,what can I do for you? Maybe someone needs prayer,but we don't want to bother them.or offend which is worse,so we let them be.We let them continue to suffer alone, someone else will help, well hopefully someone will.Oh well, not my problem,right?.All because we choose to keep the jar where it is.The one that after a while doesn't bother us, we are like the cat,calmly walking around with something stuck on its head.

We would rather not offend or leave our comfort zone,than step out and help.We are comfortable and we choose to leave the jar in place.Where if we wanted to, we could remove it with a quick pull. We would be able to see better. We would breathe much easier and we would find life is much better without it.But we have grown accustom to the limited vision, the small amount of air.Why the jar fits quite nicely as though it has become a part of us now.Why remove it? We are ok with it on.We might have to see things we don't want to,or do things we are not able to do with the jar in place.

Jesus wants us to reach out to others.Look at who He spent most of his time with,the tax collectors ,the lepers,the unwanted.He didn't walk by and pretend they weren't there.He sat next to them and ministered to their needs.No matter how big or how small they were.He was right there sitting in the dirt with the so called unwanted of society.His life was full each day of blessings.He was filled with Joy as he helped the less fortunate.Never once did he turn his head as He walked by them.There never was and never will be anyone that He overlooks.So today if you find your head is stuck in that jar,give a quick tug,don't be like the cat,calmly walking around while it is slowly suffocating and doesn't even know it.

matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Mark 9:41 If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the messiah,I assure you,that person will be rewarded.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

You are not alone.

Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of emptiness and isolation.

Alone, Loneliness, these words sound so sad.Hollowness and emptiness.No one should ever have to feel them.But how many do in our day and age? We watch commercials that list the symptoms of depression followed by the drugs you can swallow to take it away.We read over and over again about suicides. The cause.depression,loneliness, emptiness,they leave notes behind as a last cry of someone please notice me,please let me know that you see me,does anyone love me?

How many people are walking around today smiling on the outside but inside they are screaming,does anyone care about me? Do you see me? They can be in a room full of people and feel like they are miles out in the desert alone.They see the people in the room enjoying themselves talking and laughing ,but they feel no one notices them , are they invisible? Does anyone care they are even alive?Would anyone notice if they weren't?

I can remember a time in my life.I could sit in a room surrounded by people.those that I knew and loved and yet felt so disconnected from it all.It was like I could slip away and no one would even notice.Did they ever care if I did? We wonder what causes this feeling.We are normal human beings,no signs of mental illness,pretty normal if we say so ourselves.But for some reason there is something lacking.Something that makes you disconnect.There is an aloneness at times,something that drags you into the corner,away from the laughter.

What I have come to realize is that the something, is lack of Jesus. The emptiness is caused by the lack of Him in our lives. I love the verse,

Matthew 28:20 And be sure of this,I am with you always,even to the end of the age.

I am with you even to the end of age.That means always,every second of the day, until the day our life ends this earth,and then we will be home with Him.We are never alone.Its amazing what you can accomplish and what you can go through, when you picture Him right beside you. I have a friend,who before she walks into a room full of people,which makes her nervous,she sticks out her hand and says" come on Jesus lets go on in" Sound silly,but it works.

Some children have imaginary friends while they are small.There little friends have names and the child can usually tell you what they look like.During the day you may hear the child speaking to them as thought they were really in the room.Sometimes these little playmates appear at stressful times in the child's life.Parents try to ignore the invisible little fellas. I would think what a comfort to have someone with you all day long,to play with to talk to ,to be there when you are afraid,when you are entering situations that scare you and are unfamiliar.

That is how Jesus is.He is there.How comforting is that? We could be miles from home, in unfamiliar territory,out of our comfort zone,alone in the wilderness,and seated right next to us is Jesus.I picture him stretching out His hand and saying" I'm right here, now go do what you have to do,I will be here at your side,don't worry I'm not going anywhere'.Kind of like when you where a child and if your best friend went along with you ,you can tackle anything with them by your side.

He is seated next to you when you are waiting for those test results.He is holding your hand when you think that you are alone in this world and no one knows what you are feeling,and you wonder if anyone cares.He can be your best friend when all of the others have deserted you. All you need to do is stretch out your hand,and grab a hold of His,and let him walk with you through life.He will be your constant companion if you let him.Never again will you sit in that room feeling alone.Reach out your hand and He will be there to grab it.And He will never let it go.

the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Be fearless

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and salvation.
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord protects me from danger
so why should I tremble?

How many of us remember when we were small, perhaps we had a nightmare or there was a storm outside. We could think of nothing else but the thought of running into our parents room.You would jump out of bed and run as fast as you could never looking behind you.Your heart would be banging in your little chest, your only thought was trying to reach that bedroom.The one where your parents slept.Where it was safe.

It was only when you stepped into that room,that some of the fear slowly would start to subside,you crept to the side of the bed and whispered"mom or dad" gradually raising your voice trying not to scare them,but hoping they would wake up right that very minute.Sometimes you were allowed to crawl into the bed.In seconds you would fall asleep.Feeling safe and warm.The storm could be raging outside but you were safe inside.You would awaken in the morning,most of the time never remembering how you got there or that you ever had a dream.

There are times in our life that out of the blue fear grabs a hold of us.And won't let go.It is like the storm that rages outside your bedroom window.It starts in the distance.Sometimes we don't hear the thunder or the rain,It starts miles away.As it gets closer we start to see a change in the sky , subtle at first, gradually darkening as it approaches .The rain starts to come.With it will follow thunder and lightening.What minutes ago was maybe a small sprinkling of rain is now a full blown raging storm.

This is how fear starts out.One minute it is a tiny little thought that pops in our head.In a few minutes it can grow into a full blown catagory 5 tornado, with the ability to wreck havoc.We can become paralyzed with a fear that makes us unable to move,unable to think of anything else.The storm is picking up speed and we want to slow it down,but we don't know how.It is like living in tornado alley.You know its coming,you are in its path,but there is absolutely nothing you can do,you stand on your porch watching the approaching storm,praying it will pass by, never coming near your home.With your teeth clenched and knees knocking you try to be calm but it does not come.The storm is almost upon you and you are scared to death.

When fear comes upon us we have a choice.We can let it grow until it is strong enough to devastate us,it will keep us in its clutches for as long as we allow it.Or we can remember that The spirit of fear is not from the Lord.That He will protect us.He can carry us through the raging storms.The storms that have the capability of destroying everything in its path if allowed.He can give you a peace that will astonish you.

So when you feel the storm approaching.Run to the one who will protect you.The one who will cover you in a blanket of peace.Just like when you were small and ran to your parents room,run to the one who is a refuge during the raging storms.Though the winds may blow,the sky will darken ,hang on to the one who loves you and that storm will quickly pass over you.You will be safe and warm in his arms until the sky clears.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Matthew 8:26 NIV


Monday, February 4, 2008

How great is our God

How great is our God,sing with me.How great is our God and all will see how Great,how Great is our God. By Chris Tomlin

This is one of those songs that we have heard probably more times than we can count.But have you ever really listened to it? How many times have you heard a story or a song over and over again ,but it has never truly sunk in or stirred anything in your heart? I was listening to it this afternoon and it made me stop and really listen.I got to thinking How great is our God? Pretty darn great if I do say so myself.At this time in my life He is.

But maybe years ago or even months ago at times I didn't think he was that great,well maybe a little great but not THAT great.I thought about why I was thinking this way.Was it because he was not doing what I wanted him to do?.He wasn't changing people or things that I expected him to?

When was He great to me? When he was doing what I wanted.At times I couldn't hear him, or see him at work.Because I chose not to or wasn't quite enough to sit and listen.At times He just does not work fast enough for me.I can think of numerous times where I could have fixed that situation in minutes,but He chose to wait.And thankfully he did.

I always think of how many times I wanted things and didn't get them.I can't thank him enough for not answering some of those prayers!The funny thing is ,we think we have the perfect plan for our life.But His is way better.

Though sometimes we would tend to disagree.But I find as I grow older.I sure am thankful He knows whats best for me.I can honestly say I kind of look forward to what He has in store for me.Even though here and there I am still human and want things now.And I do throw in some of those ideas on how He can help me out or speed things up,while I pray.I'm sure he gets quite a kickout of me some days.I know I have given him a good chuckle or two....... or three or more......

But the great thing is that He loves me no matter how self centered I can be.Even when I do not like some of the things he has sent my way. Even when He makes me wait over and over again.Even when I am really questioning his ways.Even when things are painful at times.He is teaching me.

I think of how we teach our children.If we gave them everything their little hearts desired,they would become selfish,self centered.bratty little things.Unbearable to be around. I know that most of us do know a child like that.We want to walk up to the parent and say to them"JUST SAY NO".Those poor children have become what they are because of their parents inability to say no.They know what is best for them,but for some reason chose not to do it.They give in and allow them become little monsters.

As parents it is our job to help our children turn into loving ,kind hearted,adults that have patience ,we hope that they are a delight to be around,and that they will fall in love with God.That they will be able to make wise decisions.We help them when they do not know what is best for them.

That is what Jesus does.He is our Dad ,He helps us to learn how to be patient, loving and kind.He knows what is best for us.Even though we think we know what is better.He doesn't give us everything we point our fingers at.Because some of it would cause us heartache,and it does not fit into his awesome plan for our life.Even though we wish it would.

He is the most awesome parent out there.He says No when he needs to and He has an awesome life planned out for us.So today take a look at your life,and start thanking him for not answering some of those prayers.I know I am. Start looking forward to what He's going to do.And think about How great is our God.

Blessings Dee

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hows your life?

How many of you have the life you always dreamed of? A life where you bound out of bed each morning excited to see how your day will unfold? Probably not even half of you right? Most of us want to pull the covers over our heads and stay there all day."What is so exciting about my life" you say,"Its the same old same old".Like most people say."I get up ,go to work,come home.take care of my home,go to bed ,get up".blah blah blah.We are just dragging ourselves through life.

Most of us are going through life like a person on a very long unfamiliar trip and they do not have a road map.Therefore ,they are missing all the wonderful sights along the way,they keep getting lost over and over again, they are frustrated and bored,they just want to get to where they have to be quickly and hopefully there is a pot of gold at the end.When we get to the end,that is where the exciting stuff is,or so we think. Well, thats what we are hoping.Sound familiar?

What many do not realize is that Jesus has such and amazing life planned out for us.And we don't even know it.I picture on the day we are born he sits at a huge book. Our picture and name are on the front.He opens it to day one.The first day of our life.On that page is every single thing that will happen in that day,There are pictures of everyone who will come to visit us at the hospital.Every comment made is listed. He adds in little blessings here and there.He jots down some ideas on how to make our day fun.He writes down our hearts desires,He puts his name in there over and over again,next to each sentence.Because he will be with us all day long,every single day of our life. and And this is how our entire life will be. Each day there is a page with every single detail of our lives.Not anyone else's ,just ours.

He has such amazing things planned out for us.What we need to do is ask for them.He is waiting for you to just ask.You can sit there and cross your fingers wishing your life would get better,your marriage would heal,your anxiety would disappear,We hope that one day we will just wake up and ta dah, Our old life is gone and it has been replaced with this awesome,exciting, life full of overflowing joy, peace, purpose, excitement,healing,forgiveness.Why we would have a life that would seem impossible to even imagine.

Well guess what.It is possible.We can have that life. He has the power to transform any life, any family, any heart.He can heal sickness. heal your wounds from your past,heal your mind.He can take a mundane ,boring life,one that you have no idea how to get out of,but you know you can't stay there one more minute.And all we have to do is go and ask.The solution is so simple. But we complicate things so much.

If you went to Starbucks today and stood at the counter, but you didn't ask the person working there for anything.They would assume you wanted something, because you were standing there ,it might be a coffee or something they serve, but they can't really give you what you want if you don't ask.It is when we open our mouths and ask them,they will gladly give you anything your heart desires.

That is how Jesus is.Go to him and ask him for the life you have always dreamed of.Ask him to fill you with joy, Turn your fear and anxiety into peace.Don't wait until tomorrow,Go to the one who has the power to do it all.Get that life that you want today.Stop standing at the counter waiting for what you want.Just ask.

Psalm 37;4 Delight thy self in the Lord,and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Matthew 21:22 And all things you ask in prayer,believing you will receive.

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Blessings Dee