How many of us are excited that spring is here? I am.This is the time of year that I look forward to. After the cold, windy winter i am ready for some warmer weather and no wind.Gentle breezes maybe,but i have grown weary of the cold cutting wind that seems to blow through my yard almost every day.Living on the water on a hill does not help.
Some days we like to look out the window to see what is blowing by,perhaps the patio furniture,an occasional pillow or maybe even the garden swing skidding by.In the middle of the night we hear tree limbs falling like rain at times.
I remember when my son always had to have a kite.And each time the wind would beat it into a shredded pile of plastic attached to a string.He would then cry.Or it would whip it around so hard and throw it into a tree,too high for us to ever retrieve it.One kite stayed in the pine tree until it turned into just strings.Many a summer we would look up and there it still was.
Wind can be a gentle warm breeze,blowing through our windows on a summer day.We enjoy it,it is needed on hot muggy days.We look forward to it most of the time.But at times ,like here in the winter it is relentless.A constant blowing,beating on the sides of the house,causing old,withered branches to break and fall to the ground.It pushes and pushes on the patio furniture,the ones that are not heavy enough to withstand the constant wind.It then cartwheels across the yard,finally ending up where ever the wind choses to send it.
At times in our lives we feel like we are in a windstorm.There are times when all is well,the wind is gentle and warm.It is comfortable.But there are other times,when we are pushed and pushed,we feel like we are being pulled from every direction.We aren't even sure what direction we are heading anymore.We are like the tiny boat in the ocean,being tossed about in the wind and the waves.It is at the mercy of the wind and water, Even the strongest engine at times can't get the boat to its destination.
It is like when we play pin the tail on the donkey.We put on the blindfold,someone spins us around ,we stop and then have to put the tail on the donkey.Nine out of ten times.we are so far from the target its hysterical to watch.You can end up on the other side of the room,or worse yet,ready to stick the tack into a persons body.Ouch.
Without Jesus it is easy to see how we can feel beat up by the wind,like the tiny boat being tossed in the angry sea.Were are we getting our direction from? What is guiding us? If it is the world or we try to do it ourselves.We can easily become disoriented,lose our focus.We can become so weary and worn from the wind.
But if each day we go to Jesus and ask him for direction in our lives.If we read his word.This is the map that will guide us to our destination.He is the shelter that will protect us from the constant beating of the wind.He does not want us to lose our focus,or grow weary.He wants to guide us,protect us,and love us.Don't let the world and the wind send you skidding across the yard like the lawn furniture.Or like the boat in the water at the mercy of the hurricane.Let him be your guide and you will rise high like the kite that is soaring in the gentle breeze on a warm summer day.
Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.
Isaiah 43:1-2 Don't be afraid,for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name,you are mine, When you go through deep waters and great trouble,I will be with you.When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown.
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