Decisions,decisions,Every day we have so many to make.What we will eat,where we will go,some days it seems like that is all we do all day long.The most important choice of the day is what mood we will be in.We can choose to be happy and joyful,or down right miserable.Or the in between one,kind of happy but with a side of annoyance.Where our moods are like a ping pong match,happy,miserable,happy,miserable.That is where I am at this time.
Happy, but through out the day the annoying little things poke at me here and there.The pinched nerve in my hip,which with every step causes me to wince.The feeling of not knowing where the Lord wants me at this time.Kids home all week from school.What do you do with 2 children with a large age span between them,who say im bored about every 5 minutes and who seem to eat every 10 minutes and one leaves a trail of everything he eats and does all day long.If he was lost in the wilderness,you would have no trouble finding this one,just follow the trail of stuff.
The fact that we are down to one vehicle and we now have 3 drivers in the house,And on top of all of that I am starting to have hot flashes.One of those can turn the perkiest cheerleader, prom queen, saccharine sweet type of girl, into the wicked witch of the west in seconds.So there you have it.grumble, grumble, grumble.
It is our thoughts that set the tone for the day.The ones that will choose what mood we are in,how we respond to things.Then in turn how people will respond to us.Crabby usually attracts crabby.If we are joyful we can cause others to search and find joy in their lives.We can choose to walk around grumbling ,and miserable. Or we can have the woe is me attitude.Poor poor, me,We can put our hand to our forehead like the women in the old movies,the ones who can't handle what is going on at that moment,they are on the verge of passing out from the heavy burden of woe.The problem is we will find ourselves laying on the ground with no one in sight.Most people have enough aggravating things in their lives,so when they see you coming they will go the other way.Uh oh,here comes the hobbling,broom wielding,crabby woman with two kids,and hot flashes,RUN!
But if we choose joy in the midst of all the pinched nerves,the hot flashes that make us feel like we have a wool sweater on in 100 degree heat.The never endless job of picking up after our children,the endless pile of laundry,the list goes on. We could all probably write a very long list in seconds on things to gripe about.But what good does that do? We now have a list to focus on,reread over and over again,which in turn intensifies our miserable mood.Right? We have the capability of choosing what enters our mind and stays there.Will it be our complaints?our aches and pains? Our lack of whatever it may be.Or will you choose to focus on what the Lord has given you? And that is Life,health,family,His gift of salvation,and all the other blessings He has bestowed upon us.When you wake up tommorrow what will you choose?
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths.But only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs,that it may benefit those who listen.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we don't look at the troubles we have right now.rather,we look forward to what we have not seen.For the troubles we see will soon be over,but the joys to come will last forever.
Blessings Dee
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