As I sit at the computer All I keep hearing over and over and over again is Alfalfa from the Little Rascals singing "I'm the Barber of Seville" coming from the other room. For most of us over 40 we remember that episode.Poor Alfalfa ,we all know He did not become a professional singer.Thank goodness for that.All though they would have put him in the funny out takes on American Idol. He couldn't sing but He sure was cute.
The one thing that amazed me is ,If I was watching the DVD,I would be enjoying it.But the fact is I am in the other room,and his little voice is like listening to fingernails on a blackboard, or like a howling screeching cat outside at night.Why is this I thought? I do the same with the spongebob cartoon. If I am in front of the TV ,he is amusing,but if I am in another room.If I hear that annoying laugh one more time......
This makes me think of our focus on God.If our full attention is on him.If we are praying, reading or listening to someone preach.We are enjoying what we hear,It gets our thoughts going,we think of all the blessings in our life.We see his hand in everything.We want to hear more,we want to see more of what He has in store for us,or what He wants to teach us.
But find us on a day where the last place our attention is on God or when we are not in a good place.Maybe we have kind of pushed him to the side.When He starts to speak to us,it can be like those fingernails on a black board, or the screeching cat,We don't want to hear it. It grates on our nerves.Go bug someone else,we want to say.When we are focusing on things of the world we become stressed and distracted ,we will never be rich enough,thin enough,smart,witty, or creative enough,We are striving to be like the world.And we will not ever be everything it tells us we can be.
I love the commercials or the magazine articles that tell women that they can have it all.Sorry to disappoint you ,but you cannot have it all.Women today strive to have the big beautiful home, filled with beautiful furnishings that they created or crafted,perfect children with 4.0 grade averages,cute as little buttons.the women need to be thin,Botoxed,perfectly dressed,minivan driving,PTA mommies who work a full time job,They must cook each meal including snacks from scratch,preferably from Martha Stewart or Rachel Rays cookbooks.No wonder so many women are on medication for stress.Or some moms choose to run,leave their families and hop on a plane to somewhere,just not where they are now.For good.
Go to your localPublic school PTA meeting and tell me how many joyful ,smiling women you see,You can probably count them on one hand.We cannot be all the world tells us we can,something or someone will suffer.We were not created to be super moms or people.
It is only when we are in tune with Jesus.When we slow down long enough to pay attention to Him,that is when we can hear him.When our focus in on Him,we can enjoy Him.We can enjoy the life He has planned out for us.But when we are focusing on the world and all it says we should be,If we take our eyes off of Jesus and leave them on the world.We become stressed,depressed, and annoyed and we start to think Alfalfa should be on American Idol.We become used to that screechy little voice,the voice of the world that hisses you are not good enough or rich enough.We have a choice to listen to that or the soothing loving voice of the God who loves you.What do your ears want to hear?
1 Timothy 6:11 "But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness."
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
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