Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything,by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving,present your requests to God.And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding,will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.
When I read this verse,what stands out to me is the word peace.A peace that transcends all understanding.A peace that will be there regardless of what we are going through.How many of us have felt this? How many of you have not? I can remember times in my life,when things were happening that I had no control over.Things that i would never in a million years have thought would ever happen to me.But they did ,and I did not have a clue how to deal with them
.Most of the time it was a waiting game,wait and hope to God that it would be over soon.I can remember times where i laid in bed at night,thinking the worst,the scenario playing over and over again in my mind,and each time it did,it was getting worse.
I remember one night during a extremely stressful time in my life.i could feel my heart actually skipping a beat,After noticing that, I started to have trouble breathing,my chest felt tight,like I couldn't get enough air .I lay there most of the night,afraid to wake my husband,because he would probably have taken me to the emergency room,where I didn't want to go.
I thought to myself if I close my eyes I will not wake up.The fear of death,stole my sleep that night.The fear of the unknown caused me to think crazy things.And before i knew it the crisis was over,I was still alive,and I had stressed over something for no reason.
How many times do we do this? We have planned our funeral down to the last detail,or we have taken a small crisis and in our minds ,we have ourselves,dead,homeless, or broke,in seconds .The list goes on and on.Fear in our minds is like someone throwing a match in a haystack.
At this time in my life.I have found that I can go through even the hardest times with a peace that amazes me. There are people in my life that have none.They are like the tiger in a cage, pacing back and forth,there is no peace there,just an anxiousness,a restlessness,and overwhelming fear.
You cannot have peace without Jesus.He can give you peace that astounds you.But He cannot give it to someone He does not know.So many want the peace ,but not the relationship with Jesus.They think they are just fine most of the time,but when a crisis hits,they want the peace. But they want it without Him.But with onecomes the other.
We have choice.If we want a peace that totally engulfs us and takes us through times in our lives that could literally devastate us ,we have to have a personal relationship with the one who provides it.. I have watched women who have lost children or a spouse,speak at their funerals.How can this be done,we wonder? When we watch others laying on the floor at the funeral a sobbing,heap, ,devastated beyond belief.It is peace that transcends all understanding that enables them to do the impossible..It is hard to believe that we can have it at times when we are so broken,where our hearts are hurting so bad,we can;t even breathe.
But it is possible,and it is there waiting for us to ask for it and receive it.We cannot make it on our own,why not let Jesus take away your pain and your fears? Why not let him cover you with a blanket of peace so warm and comforting that you will not know how you ever lived without it.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
blessings Dee
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