Never forget that everything is significant and is working together for the good that God has planned for you.
This statement is true,but how many times do we not believe it? There are times in our lives we cannot see God working and we sure can't hear him.So we begin to wonder.
This morning I had called a friend.I said to her" What are you doing'? She said "actually I was praying,praying that someone would call me or stop by and give me some encouragement."
Well after she said that I thought " Well i guess im the one".
Funny, how we go about our days thinking where is He? Did he go on vacation? Is he busy with someone else,maybe He is on the other side of the world? My friend was not seeing him today,but there he was,
I picture him sitting there saying" ok lets see,she needs some encouragement down there,hmmm i will tell Dee to call her,right after she is done praying for that.Some people call that coincidence,but what it is ,its God.Listening to our prayers,hearing whats on our hearts,and knowing what we need at that precise time.Nothing is a coincidence in this life.
There are times in our lives we have things going on that we can't even fathom why they are happening and how in the world is God going to work this one out for good.We feel that we have been dropped off on the side of the road somewhere in no mans land.Hello... is there anyone out there???
Some times distractions keep us from hearing Him.I know the past few weeks,I have walked into a room that was 2 feet away and couldn't remember why i was in there.My friend prayed with me and i was thinking of my grocery list,all a million other things.I barely heard half of what she said.I try to focus,but it is a struggle.With too many things to think about,and decisions to make sometimes we can't think straight.
At this time in my life,God is yanking out of my comfort zone.Everything that is familiar,and comfortable I am being moved out of.What is the reason? At this time I don't have a clue.Is He doing a work in me? That is a big yes.Am i happy about it? Yes and No. No that i am uncomfortable and feel slightly lost.But yes, because its happening for a reason,and i know the outcome is going to be good.
See how if we believe that all things work for the good,we can get through anything?.It may be a rough and bumpy ride,but it will all be worth it when its over.Hopefully this ride will be a short one for me.maybe just a ride around the block.But it could turn out to be a long road trip that entails lots of stopping and going,some sights that are breathtaking to see,some hairpin turns in the road ,but after this trip comes to an end.I will be a little wiser,a little stronger,and will be ready for the next one to begin. I will also be able to help someone else,who has just begin their journey down the same road.All I have to do is remember that He is doing the driving and its going to be ok no matter what.
What we need to do on our road trips is sit back,take in the scenery,enjoy the ride,even if He is taking us somewhere we don't think we want to visit.How about a nice trip to disneyland,or how about to the Grand canyon Lord! I'd rather not go in this direction,it doesn't look fun and the scenery isnt' that pretty right now.But what we do not know is what is further down the road.What may be right around the next bend might be something that is so beautiful or more wonderful than we can ever imagine.We wouldn't want to miss it.But if we don't allow him to drive and if we allow him to take the roads He wants to,instead of us causing him to swerve off the road and head in the direction we have chosen to go.In the end it will be a road trip that we were glad we took.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
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