People fascinate me.I love to sit at the mall or boardwalk,anywhere really and just sit back and watch them.I wonder who they are,what their lives are like..I can spend just a few minutes with someone and kind of figure them out,so to speak.My father always had this gift.I would bring home a new friend who I thought was wonderful.He would spend a few minutes with them,then later he would tell me all about them.And it was usually not what I wanted to hear.That one will get you into trouble,Somethings not right with that one,They won't even look me in the eye.I always thought with each new friend that even though they weren't upstanding christian people, I thought maybe just once he would be fooled.But he always saw through their charade and saw what I didn't want him to see. That used to literally drive me crazy.I still cringe at times when I think back on who I chose to spend my time with.Im positive my parents wondered at times where my common sense had gone.
Now that I am older I now have the gift,same as my father.But thank goodness my oldest son,also has it and does not choose to bring the type of friends home that I did.When he was small I would say to him" you sure a good friend picker outer" and he would say with much enthusiasm"I know'! I pray that this continues.
How many times do we surround ourselves with those who maybe are not the best for us.If you are a Christian you are to be out in the world,helping those that are struggling.But in your everyday life the ones that you are surrounding yourself with,the ones who you call when you yourself are struggling,the ones you spend a lot of time with,Who are they? Do they lift you up,encourage you? Or when you hang up the phone do you feel worse ? What kind of advice are they giving you?
There are people in my life,who just 5 minutes in their company feels like eternity.I want to run for the hills. If I was in a good mood before I am not now.There are others I could spend hours with them,and enjoy every minute of it.I could be having the worst day of my life,and when I leave them,everything has turned around for the better.
I have watched women sitting around a table talking about their husbands,The conversation starts out with one women complaining about her husband.Before you know it every women at that table is contributing to the conversation and the bash fest( as i call it) starts up.You can walk away from that table ready to find the nearest divorce lawyer or your husband so you can tell him off.This in turn will start the road to discontent,fighting etc.
I have watched a different scenario take place.Take another group of women.Same woman starts to complain,but the conversation is different now.The women at the table, point out the husbands good points, they pray for the woman struggling.The end result is a woman walks away from that table, thinking a little clearer, she is a little stronger and supported.Hey the situation doesn't look as bad now.
Do you see the difference? Jesus wants us to surround ourselves with people to encourage us,to love us,to point us in the right direction.He doesn't want us to be by ourselves.He certainly does not want us to go it alone.Or worse yet,be around those that drag us down.
The Lord has given me amazing friends at this time in my life. But I can remember a time,thinking" I have so many friends but something is missing".A lot of them were not true friends. When certain things took place in my life who was there? Not a lot of them.
This started the weeding process.I now have a network of women that I can call in a moment notice. Some I do not know when their birthday is,there exact street address .But I know I can call for an uplifting word or prayer.That is a gift.One that the Lord wants to give each one of us.So today if you are in need of people in your life that will be there to encourage and love you.Just ask Jesus and He will start the weeding process,and He will replace the weeds in your garden with beautiful flowers that will brighten your day.
I love this saying that I found in a devotional calender.
The friend given to you by circumstances over which you have no control is God's own gift.Author unknown
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Eccl 4:9-12
Blessings Dee
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