In 45 days my little blue eyed baby boy will be behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle...alone. Even though he is no longer the little toddler who loved Barney the dinosaur and his Blankie. He is almost 17 and the day is approaching quickly,too quickly ,that he will be soon driving without me.
If you are a mother.Your main goal in life is to protect your children,provide for them.At times we want to move to a remote island that is safe,where we can protect them from the evils of the world.And the last thing we want them to do is drive.
While it does free up our schedule and we are no longer the taxi service we once were.The fact is we are not going to be there to protect them as they drive,as they begin to venture places that we do not know of.That we must again begin to let go of them as they grow and mature and venture further out into the world.
A world that is no longer like the show Leave it to Beaver or Father knows Best.There is no longer a Mayberry RFD that exists. In our eyes it is a world of danger and strangers lurking around every corner.Life was much easier when our greatest fear was that they would never be potty trained or they wouldn't adjust to preschool.
And so as we begin to loosen our grip on our beloved little children we have two choices to make.The first is to let fear creep in,and take the wheel.We become increasing fearful each time they venture out.Our minds begin to wander ,the what ifs take residence in our thoughts.The peace we once had is replaced with an uneasiness or dread.
Or we can give them over to the Lord. We all know they are ours for awhile.That those he has entrusted in our care are ultimately His.The Lord gives us our children to love, care for and to enrich our lives.We need to remember that He is in charge ,and he will protect our precious little babies.
We can choose to live in fear or we can choose to cover them in prayer each morning and know that He is watching over them.Only then can we have our peace restored.We need to trust Him with our beloved possessions and with everything that concerns us .And so as your precious little baby begins to drive,or goes off to college or is just starting preschool.Remember that He loves them more than we ever could,and He is watching over them.Let Jesus take the wheel,not fear.
Psalm 34:6
I cried out to the Lord in my suffering,and he heard me.He set me free from all my fears.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).
Blessings Dee
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