Psalm 46:10 - Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV)
Be still.How many of us have a hard time just being still.We are constantly on the move,on the phone,there is noise all around us, lists of things to do that are growing by the minute.We are like the hamster on the wheel.Running as fast as we can but not really getting anywhere.I always wonder if the hamster realizes he is not getting anywhere.Would he stop running and walk away from the wheel? Do we ever realize that we need to walk away from the wheel?
Jesus is saying to us through out our day,Be still,be still and know that I am God.Come sit and talk to me,rest your weary body and mind and come and listen to what I have to say.But we continue to ignore him most of the time and continue to run at breakneck speed.
Did you ever try to have a conversation with someone while you were jogging? Most of the time is spent not really hearing the entire conversation,it comes to us in dribs and drabs,if the other person is ahead of us,we are constantly straining to hear what they are saying.But if we sit down next to someone and look them in the face and truly listen to what they have to say,we will hear each word.The conversation will flow as each person speaks and then listens.That is how it is with Jesus.We can't hear what he is trying to tell us when we are running ahead of him,or when our thoughts are on our lists of things to do.It is only when we sit ourselves down and truly quiet ourselves ,then we can hear him.
How many times are we going through something,we worry,we are fearful of the outcome,that is all we think about, how we are going to fix it.It is only when we sit at the feet of Jesus and bring our worries to him ,that we will hear what he has to say.We then realize that He will give us the answers and the direction that we need.It is only then we will realize that He has got it.He will take care of the situation.He already has.
He will bring you to that place of peace,the place of knowing that it will be alright.And that all the running and fretting will never change the situation or help in anyway.We need to walk away from the wheel and walk to the feet of Jesus.Be still he whispers ,be still and know that I am God.And I will give you what you need.I will give you peace in all circumstances,Strength to get through your day ,and all you have to do is listen.
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