A few weeks ago I had written about Seasons.My entire family had been sick with the virus for what seemed like an eternity.The season slowly came to an end or so I thought....Too my dismay it is continuing and it is taking different family members hostage each day.The sickness has once again reared its ugly head in my home.I feel like I am in a battle against these unseen little buggers ,that come out of no where and cause illness at a moments notice.Just when I think they have retreated,they show up again and again and again.I try the standard methods of airing out the house, spraying lysol,overdosing them on vitamin C, you name it ,its been done.But they keep coming.This home has been prayed over and sprayed over too many times to count and its getting tiresome.
Does you life seem like this at times? We keep going dealing the same things over and over.We pray about them,whine about them,pray some more and we wish we could find a spray like lysol that would destroy anything that wasn't what we wanted or liked or felt like dealing with. Our day starts out well but soon we have something else to deal with.
With a cold or virus most of the time we cannot do anything for it.It must run it course and before we know it ,it is over.Its all about the timing.They can run from 7 to 10 days usually.And its usually way too long for us right? But each time we recover our immune system has strengthened a little.Maybe next time we won't catch something quiet as fast.
The trials in our life are the same.while we feel lousy and are weary at times.We are being strengthened.Gods timing is not like ours.I always picture him never wearing a watch.While we constantly are checking ours every minute of the day. Like the rabbit in Alice and wonderland.Sound familiar? We expect things to go our way, we want them to not be painful , and to be over as quickly as possible.
But unfortunately sometimes they are with us for a very long time.Or a new one crops up every time we turn around.But we most not grow weary. We can't . Think of your sick child ,if you throw up your hands and give up,who will take care of them? If your marriage is tiresome and you grow weary and walk away, isn't someone going to suffer? It may not be you, but someone will pay the price.In everything we do,if we throw in the towel so to speak.We will let someone down, someone will suffer because we have grown weary and have chosen to give up.
If we grow weary in our walk with the Lord,who will suffer here? We will.
Maybe we will not notice it right away.We are doing just fine on our own.Until those unseen little buggers start to show up, they are called weariness, boredom,defeat,lack of direction,lack of self esteem the list is endless.We become a little more impatient, we lose a little more joy each day, we are losing our focus and forget where we were once heading.
We become weary, tired, sick and cold.Our immune system is not what it once was and it weakens by the day.Until one day we forget what it was once like to be healthy and happy.We long to be back to our old selves.The only way to restore our health is to go to the ultimate physician,Jesus.He can restore our health, He can take you from that place of bone tired weariness.He can bring you back to what you once were.No spray, pill or wishing it away will restore you back to health.The only prescription is Jesus.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Isaiah 40;8-20 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Jeremiah 31:24-26 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
psalm 41:2-4 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.
Jeremiah 33:5-7 Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
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