This Christmas I received Hope in a Jar.I'm not kidding really I did.It is a rejuvenating skin cream by the company Philosophy. This is one of those new miracle creams, you apply at bedtime and when you wake up, you hope that it removed all those wrinkles, lines,and whatever else is there that shouldn't be.
.But unfortunately we can only hope it does what it says.I always seem to wake up looking the same as when I went to sleep.Oh well ,so much for my hope in a jar.What I hope is that I don't spend anymore money on things that seem to perform miracles.We all know if its seems too good to be true, it usually is. And it almost all of the time it has a big price tag that goes with it.
I started to think about hope.Wouldn't it be great if there was hope in a jar? A big problem arises, go get that hope in a jar! A Friend calls with sad news.I'll be right over I've got hope in a jar! Break out that miracle cream and all is well in the world again.Oh, if it were that easy.
There have been times I have watched people who don't know the Lord , in the midst of a crisis or illness. They do not know what to do, or where to turn.The fear that overtakes them is overwhelming. They have no hope.How do you go on without it? You don't. You become paralyzed.If you want to see despair and lack of hope. Watch the news tonight.Suicide rates have doubled.Crime is on the rise.People are becoming more violent then ever.
I have attended funerals of those who did not know him.The grief and pain felt in that room is crushing.The sadness in those left behind sometimes never leaves.You have seen them visiting the grave of a loved one every single day for years on end.They merely exist,no joy, no hope of ever shedding their grief and pain.Look into someones eyes who have no hope,there is no sparkle,it is flat and lifeless.
We have watched our friends ,and loved ones go through these things. Oh how we wish we had that jar of hope.We could go to them, open our little jar and take care of all of their problems.Why we would buy them jars of it for Christmas and birthdays.We would buy cases of the stuff.If we had enough money we could drive down the street throwing jars of it out into the crowds.Flooding the world with hope.
Too bad there is no such cream,but we do have a solution to everything,Its called Jesus.He is our "jar of hope".Too many of us,we wish we had that jar, rather than risk telling them about our"hope"
.What if they don't want to be our friend anymore,they might think we're crazy,one of those Jesus freaks. So we let them suffer and go through their lives merely just existing.We have hope. So we are ok....right?
If you found the cure for cancer,wouldn't you shout it from the rooftops? You would call everyone you knew ,you would stop complete strangers on the street.You would tell the world.
But most likely we would still sit back and watch those around us suffer lack of hope.
Each one of us struggle in this area.Its just part of being human.We struggle when we have to go out of our comfort zone.But think about it.Wasn't there someone who shared their "hope in a jar" with you? Aren't you glad they did? We can choose to wait for that miracle cure all cream that will save the world or we can share a little of our hope,Jesus.
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Psalm 1:24
But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose
hope is in his unfailing love,
Psalm 33:18
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Therefore you now have sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16:22
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16.33
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