Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of emptiness and isolation.
Alone, Loneliness, these words sound so sad.Hollowness and emptiness.No one should ever have to feel them.But how many do in our day and age? We watch commercials that list the symptoms of depression followed by the drugs you can swallow to take it away.We read over and over again about suicides. The cause.depression,loneliness, emptiness,they leave notes behind as a last cry of someone please notice me,please let me know that you see me,does anyone love me?
How many people are walking around today smiling on the outside but inside they are screaming,does anyone care about me? Do you see me? They can be in a room full of people and feel like they are miles out in the desert alone.They see the people in the room enjoying themselves talking and laughing ,but they feel no one notices them , are they invisible? Does anyone care they are even alive?Would anyone notice if they weren't?
I can remember a time in my life.I could sit in a room surrounded by people.those that I knew and loved and yet felt so disconnected from it all.It was like I could slip away and no one would even notice.Did they ever care if I did? We wonder what causes this feeling.We are normal human beings,no signs of mental illness,pretty normal if we say so ourselves.But for some reason there is something lacking.Something that makes you disconnect.There is an aloneness at times,something that drags you into the corner,away from the laughter.
What I have come to realize is that the something, is lack of Jesus. The emptiness is caused by the lack of Him in our lives. I love the verse,
Matthew 28:20 And be sure of this,I am with you always,even to the end of the age.
I am with you even to the end of age.That means always,every second of the day, until the day our life ends this earth,and then we will be home with Him.We are never alone.Its amazing what you can accomplish and what you can go through, when you picture Him right beside you. I have a friend,who before she walks into a room full of people,which makes her nervous,she sticks out her hand and says" come on Jesus lets go on in" Sound silly,but it works.
Some children have imaginary friends while they are small.There little friends have names and the child can usually tell you what they look like.During the day you may hear the child speaking to them as thought they were really in the room.Sometimes these little playmates appear at stressful times in the child's life.Parents try to ignore the invisible little fellas. I would think what a comfort to have someone with you all day long,to play with to talk to ,to be there when you are afraid,when you are entering situations that scare you and are unfamiliar.
That is how Jesus is.He is there.How comforting is that? We could be miles from home, in unfamiliar territory,out of our comfort zone,alone in the wilderness,and seated right next to us is Jesus.I picture him stretching out His hand and saying" I'm right here, now go do what you have to do,I will be here at your side,don't worry I'm not going anywhere'.Kind of like when you where a child and if your best friend went along with you ,you can tackle anything with them by your side.
He is seated next to you when you are waiting for those test results.He is holding your hand when you think that you are alone in this world and no one knows what you are feeling,and you wonder if anyone cares.He can be your best friend when all of the others have deserted you. All you need to do is stretch out your hand,and grab a hold of His,and let him walk with you through life.He will be your constant companion if you let him.Never again will you sit in that room feeling alone.Reach out your hand and He will be there to grab it.And He will never let it go.
the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
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