Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth
We believe little because we've seen little,and we've seen little because we believe little.
Quite an eye opening sentence.How many of us truly believe that God can perform miracles? Some of us believe that yes, maybe for others,but for us,no I don't think so.Or maybe we have heard of them happening but never met anyone that has witnessed one.So does that mean that they don't really happen? And there are some that have truly witnessed one and are still scratching our heads in disbelief.
Jesus says that all things are possible if we believe.But what if we kind of believe? We don't really think He will come through and answer that prayer.Well maybe,I guess we will have to see?
It is like when you were a child.If you wanted to become a pro baseball player,you practiced constantly day and night, you dreamed each night that you would one day make it. You wanted to be ready for when you made the big leagues,you might have even practiced writing your autograph,so when you became famous you would have a fancy signature to sign for your fans.But one day someone came along and told you ,that you would never be the famous ball player you were dreaming of.You would only play for your local team,you weren't really that good.So you shouldn't dream big,just be content playing where you were.Don't get your hopes up they said. The one thing that you had hoped for most of your life, was now reduced to a pile of crushed dreams.
This is what happens when we doubt.We limit God.When He could do things that would astound us.He wants to show us what He can do.But we pray those half hearted lukewarm prayers with the question mark at the end.How can we expect him to do mighty things when we don't think He can.If The boy who wanted to play baseball had someone who believed in him,that knew He could do it.Don't you think there would have been a great possibility that He may have become a professional ball player? But he was limited,stifled because someone didn't think he could do it.They didn't believe in him.So he gave up and settled ,now playing for some little team,eventually losing interest in baseball all together.
It is only when we step up and pray boldly believing with all our heart that He is going to come through,He will do it in a big way.He will perform miracles that will blow your mind.That will leave you standing their with your mouth hanging open.But you must believe that He can and will.I pray tonight that you go to Him boldly and ask him to do the impossible.
I think of my mother who was healed from cancer last spring.We do not know why she was healed and there have been others we have known that weren't.But I do know in each one a healing did take place.While it may not have been a physical one like they had hoped.It may have been a healing of relationships within that family.It may have been emotional healing in that person. But I do know God comes through each time.Even if its not exactly how we want it.He knows best.But why sit back and hope for a miracle when you can go to Him boldly and ask for one.If you believe little you will see little.Don't put a limit on what He can do.He wants you to dream big and He will come through big.Remember all things are possible if you believe.
Psalm 77:14 You are the God who performs miracles,you display your power among the peoples.
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