This is one of those songs that we have heard probably more times than we can count.But have you ever really listened to it? How many times have you heard a story or a song over and over again ,but it has never truly sunk in or stirred anything in your heart? I was listening to it this afternoon and it made me stop and really listen.I got to thinking How great is our God? Pretty darn great if I do say so myself.At this time in my life He is.
But maybe years ago or even months ago at times I didn't think he was that great,well maybe a little great but not THAT great.I thought about why I was thinking this way.Was it because he was not doing what I wanted him to do?.He wasn't changing people or things that I expected him to?
When was He great to me? When he was doing what I wanted.At times I couldn't hear him, or see him at work.Because I chose not to or wasn't quite enough to sit and listen.At times He just does not work fast enough for me.I can think of numerous times where I could have fixed that situation in minutes,but He chose to wait.And thankfully he did.
I always think of how many times I wanted things and didn't get them.I can't thank him enough for not answering some of those prayers!The funny thing is ,we think we have the perfect plan for our life.But His is way better.
Though sometimes we would tend to disagree.But I find as I grow older.I sure am thankful He knows whats best for me.I can honestly say I kind of look forward to what He has in store for me.Even though here and there I am still human and want things now.And I do throw in some of those ideas on how He can help me out or speed things up,while I pray.I'm sure he gets quite a kickout of me some days.I know I have given him a good chuckle or two....... or three or more......
But the great thing is that He loves me no matter how self centered I can be.Even when I do not like some of the things he has sent my way. Even when He makes me wait over and over again.Even when I am really questioning his ways.Even when things are painful at times.He is teaching me.
I think of how we teach our children.If we gave them everything their little hearts desired,they would become selfish,self centered.bratty little things.Unbearable to be around. I know that most of us do know a child like that.We want to walk up to the parent and say to them"JUST SAY NO".Those poor children have become what they are because of their parents inability to say no.They know what is best for them,but for some reason chose not to do it.They give in and allow them become little monsters.
As parents it is our job to help our children turn into loving ,kind hearted,adults that have patience ,we hope that they are a delight to be around,and that they will fall in love with God.That they will be able to make wise decisions.We help them when they do not know what is best for them.
That is what Jesus does.He is our Dad ,He helps us to learn how to be patient, loving and kind.He knows what is best for us.Even though we think we know what is better.He doesn't give us everything we point our fingers at.Because some of it would cause us heartache,and it does not fit into his awesome plan for our life.Even though we wish it would.
He is the most awesome parent out there.He says No when he needs to and He has an awesome life planned out for us.So today take a look at your life,and start thanking him for not answering some of those prayers.I know I am. Start looking forward to what He's going to do.And think about How great is our God.
Blessings Dee
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