Can you tell I have spring on the brain? It could possibly stem from me being cooped up in the house for 6 days,count them 6 days..with a sick husband and 2 kids.How I have not come down with anything is an absolute miracle.Besides having everyone I know in a 100 mile radius praying protection over me from germs, overdosing on Zicam and Vitamin C, and short of purchasing one of those space suits that astronauts wear (the ones with the big glass bubble for a helmet)I have made it through all of this.Did I mention that it has been 6 days? 6 very long days?
Anyway,the one thought that I am reminded of is from my friend Susan As she would say "Its just a season and seasons end" Thank goodness for that! How many times have we wished a season in our life away? Probably more than once.
A funny thing happened during this season of my life.The entire time I was taking care of my family, shut off from life beyond my house in the woods. Did I mention it was me,3 sick people and lots of squirrels ,and trees and thats it. After whining to my self that it was the Christmas holidays and everyone I knew, most likely not everyone,but almost everyone I know was probably doing something fun with other friends and family. While I... was trapped here taking care of 3 people who were not in good moods. Did I mention it had been 6 days?
I decided one night that this was a season,I couldn't do anything about it except run away,take the next plane to somewhere warm with no squirrels,trees and sick people. But that was not an option. I have a conscience and what would people say? Most of my girlfriends probably would have understood. We've all thought of running away at times,and if say you haven't had those thoughts,your a big fibber. But they are my family and they needed me.So I decided the Bahamas could wait.
The Lord allows seasons in our life for reason,they may be uncomfortable,annoying or they can be downright painful. But the one thing we know is that seasons end.Sometimes they seem very long,Like those cold snowy winters where every day is windy and cold,the sun seems to have disappeared for weeks ,will it ever end? And then one day,we walk outside and notice the air is a little warmer,the sun is peeking out from behind a cloud.If we look on the ground there is something tiny and green poking out of the cold bare dirt. Our spirits lift and we realize that the season is coming to an end, a new one soon to begin.
This is what life is like.While some of the seasons are not what we would chose . They are necessary .Think of spring, would we appreciate the warm weather ,the flowers in bloom if winter did not come before it? probably not.Hard times make us a little more appreciative, a little softer, a little more closer to becoming like Jesus.
So when your seasons change and you are perhaps in one thats a little difficult.Just remember Its just a season and seasons change.But while you are there remember he has you there for a reason and you are not alone.He is right there with you.You will emerge a little wiser, a little stronger,and you will be thankful.Trust me, as they say at Christmas,"Jesus is the reason for the season".There's a reason for your season and Jesus is right there with you.
I am thanking him right now that my season seems to be ending,but soon I will enter the next one.Maybe I should buy that plane ticket in advance....Just kidding.
Im praying its not stuck with sick people in the woods.But if it is ,I know I am being perfected,Im not alone and the season will come to end sometime.
James 1:3-4 For when your faith is tested,
your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when our endurance
is fully developed.
You will be strong in character
and ready for anything.
Dee, you have just encouraged me! You have a gift of writing (communication!) so keep it up! Good thing you can do it in between taking care of a sick family! Just know that while your family may not always appreciate your service to them, your girlfriends know just how huge your heart is. Patti D
Dee, it's so good to know that we all have these seasons and it's not just me. Thanks for sharing your heart and encouraging others the way that you do! Erin McC
We always think of that phrase, "JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON" , in reference to Christmas - but this insight challenges me to remember that about every "season" of my life.
Romans 8:28 says:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
---- even the harsh "winter seasons" of our lives! Praise Him - thanks for the encouragement.... Choosing JOY, Stephanie
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