Its December and we are in the beginning stages of winter,I am already to start planning for spring.You might see me on the first day of warm weather at Lowes or Home depot wandering around looking for anything that resembles a flower.Which I can tell you from experience in March there are no flowers out yet.Not even a single seed packet.
But once they do arrive it becomes a never ending cycle of buying , planting, moving them, buying some more,pulling them out of the ground because every bug known to man is living in my yard and has turned these once beautiful flowers into chewed up sticks. Thus the cycle starts over again and again.
I am constantly moving things .looking for more sunlight, better soil,(im in the woods,the soil is composed of sand and grubs) or maybe less bugs (only if i moved to the city perhaps) Half of the time I think its the moving thats killing them.
Which makes me think of the saying "Bloom where your planted".How many times are we not happy where we are? The Lord wants us to bloom where we are .The definition for bloom is a condition or time of great development,vigor or beauty.
At times we feel we are not accomplishing much,we're bored of our lives,we look at other peoples great lives that seem so glamourous or exciting and think maybe we aren't where we are supposed to be,maybe I need to be somewhere else, perhaps with someone else, working somewhere else ,going to church somewhere else. But in fact the Lord has us right where he wants us, he wants us to develop ,to do his work right where he has us.
But since we are human and are constantly looking over the neighbors fence so to speak,to see what they have or what they might be doing thats more exciting. We long to pull up our roots and move to another section of the yard.Maybe for a while it has better sunlight, or soil, a more exciting view, but after time it becomes the same as our last. We long to move again, not acomplishing much because we weren't in one spot long enough to see why we were there.And we aren't paying much attention to whats around us,because we are too busy looking somewhere else. We might have been there to strengthen our roots, to become vigorous or just to rest or encourage someone.
But we continue to look around the yard, longing to be over where the rose bushes are,or maybe in the front yard,where everyone that walks by can see how beautiful we are,because we are not content being in the backyard hidden from view.
Until one day after our constant moving,our roots ripped up one to many times,we become worn out,stripped sticks,hanging on by one little tiny threadlike root.We have a choice in this life.We can bloom where he has planted us and eventually grow vigorous and beautiful, we can enrich the landscape, brighten someones day.Or we can become the stripped stick,who moved one to many times and now lies in the compost heap.too worn out to do much of anything.Think about where he has you right now.If you listen to him and stay put,he will provide the sunlight, the nutrients,all that you need to accomplish what he wants you to do.You will become that beautiful flower that you were born to be.But if you choose to move around so much that you become that stick don't be surprised if you end up in with the crabgrass surrounded by sticker bushes.Bloom where you are.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God.all are called according to his purpose for them.Romans 8:28
1 comment:
Your thoughts and words really touched a nerve. I always felt I needed to be somewhere else and now I see that my roots held me here for good reasons. I do thank God for helping me follow my instincts. It is all part of a bigger plan. Faith and trust are the key to understanding this.
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