I had a bee in my hair this morning,which caused me to rip out my pony tail holder,while ripping out some of my hair with it.Tearing off my shirt,and doing the crazy shake your head,wave your arms dance until the buzzing stopped and the bee was found,Tangled in my hair.The bee is no longer with us,I must say., We had a snake in the dining room the other day,it started out in the kids room. More on that later.
One teenage son who has a knee injury,hence visits to get an MRI,physical therapy,One doctor visit for inhalers for possible exercise induced asthma.One husband with a stomach virus now turned into a severe head cold for the past 7 weeks.One 10 year old with a blood shot eye,belly ache and the sniffles. Did I mention the snake in the bedroom? But in the midst of all of this ,Im doing alright.It a wonder im still sane.But im doing ok.
Each morning when we wake up we are never to sure what our day will be like.We can have visions of what we would like it be like.But rarely do our visions match our day.Some days are quiet and calm.We breeze right on thru.Others start out peaceful, but can turn into a bee in the hair,snake in the house.visit to the Doctor day.Not what we have in mind.
I worked with my friend Cathie yesterday. She lost her husband of 40 some years recently.Although the family knew it was coming and had time to prepare somewhat.Im sure that day She would have rather had a nice quiet uneventful boring day.She reminded me that we had prayed months ago that the Lord would put people in her life to encourage her. I do not know what it feels like to lose someone that close,but im sure your greatest fear is the loneliness,and the fear of the unknown.The intense feeling that someone has pulled the rug right out from under you and you are laying on the floor banged up and bruised and bewildered.But the one thing that she said was that she did not feel lonely.That she knew God was in control of her life.
As we go through life we can hear the words"He is in control and will never leave us'.But we are never 100% postive that we trust in that.What if its not what I want.What if He forgets about me.What if Everyone forgets about me.I will be alone.I will feel this way for the rest of my life.
The one thing I have learned this year from talking to so many women who have lost loved ones,Husbands ,Children.Is that they got through it all.Some days they didn't know how they did it They could hardly get out of bed,But they had the strength to keep going.
Most of them can tell you now that they can feel the Lords peace.Sure there is sadness some days.We wouldn't be human if we didnt feel emotions.But all of them can tell you honestly that their joy has returned,and they made it through something that they thought was impossible to handle.
So I ask you today,are you trusting in the one who can carry you through whatever life throws at you? Whether it is a bee in your hair,snake in your house,or the death of a loved one,loss of a job or major health problems.
Do you believe that He will pick you up in his arms and carry you? Or are you still lying on the floor after the rug was pulled out from under you,wishing your life was better,crying over your bruises but not putting your trust in Him and not getting up,dusting yourself off ,wiping your tears.He can't help you if you don't let him.
Your morning may be quiet but we never know what is around the corner. Your never too sure of what is up ahead.But the one thing we can be sure of is How much He loves us,That He is in control of every second of our day,and He will never leave our side.There may be Bees in your hair,sick kids,even a snake slithering down the hall,but you will be alright if you trust in Him.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
Blessings Dee
1 comment:
Dear Dee,
You expressed this so well.When we talked yesterday, I didn't know how to tell you exactly how much I learned to trust and lean on God through my mourning. It lifted my sadness and my burdons and my worries. I find myself talking to anyone who'll listen about how wonderful it feels now. I finally "let go and let God". and you've shown me the way...thank you and bless you!
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