Fall is here.The leaves are falling at a rapid rate.The temperature is getting cooler by the day.Some of us would rather have warmer weather.As we grow older ,we don't look forward to the cooler temperatures and then there's the snow.....Pretty as it may be.It is annoying when we still have to drive to work.Or you live way back in the woods like me and at times get snowed in for several days.There have been several occasions when I have been ready to call in the Coast guard and tell them bring the boat or a helicopter and get me out of here.Ive seen enough squirrels and snow.While being stuck here was fun for a day.It is no longer enjoyable.I want to see people.Other people besides my family members who are now getting on each others nerves. Fighting over the TV Remote.Oh if only the cable would go out.Who have had way too much hot cocoa Who grew tired of playing in the snow 48 hours ago .And if I have to hang one more wet article of clothing by the woodstove......
Why do we always want things to be different? If we are stuck in the snow.We can't find ways to accept it and enjoy the time with our family.We are looking for ways to get out of the situation.There are people who work long hours each week.They don't spend much time with their families.A minute here,a text message there.They would give their right arm to be snowed in together.Some,pay a lot of money to go on vacations in the snowy wilderness.Have I got a house for you! Complete with,a driveway that is hard to drive down, unless you have 4 wheel drive.Lots of squirrels and an occasional snake in the kids room.
I think of my friend Carol. She makes me laugh.She can take any situation no matter how difficult or sad and she will make you crack up. She can find the humor in a trip to wawa.Just ask her about the time.....
She has kept me howling while we both have been raising our children for the past 17 years. And its nice to have someone who you can laugh with while you are going through hard times, and trying to figure out how to raise a child.
She is still laughing but now there is an intruder in her life.And some days it might be hard to find a smile let alone a chuckle.
When our children are small.We can protect them.We know where they are.Who they spend their time with.We have control.But as they grow older they venture out.The cord starts to stretch further away from Mom and Dad.The ones who can protect them from harm.Protect them from the people that can sway them or undo all the good we have tried to instill in them.We picture horrible things and people just waiting outside the confines of our safe warm house,ready to pounce on our vulnerable little babies the split second they walk out the door.The big bad wolf in sheep's clothing waiting for red riding hood in the dark lonely forest.
We are going along just fine and then comes the.....dreaded Girlfriend or the Boyfriend.Then one we would never choose for our precious babies.The one who right now has more influence on them then anyone.We want to throw them out of our homes.Barracade the doors,lock the windows and keep our child inside where it is safe.Where we are in control.But we all know we cannot do this.There have been people who have attempted it ,but they either end up in jail or the Dr Phil Show.Or the children leave ,never to return again.We've caused division in the family and now they don't call or come home.
The thing we have to remember is the Lord is in control.He loves our children more than we ever could.This is something that we as Mothers can't even begin to grasp.We love them more than anything.How could He love them more? But He does.
He knows from the very moment they are born and given to us as gifts,what their lives will be like.He even knows about the dreaded Girlfriend.He might not have put her there,but you will learn something from the whole experience.And He will get you through it all.
And while us Mothers are spending our days worrying,plotting against this intruder in our home.Thinking of ways to remove this person from our child's life.We are wasting precious energy and time.Most likely the relationship will not last,and we will be exhausted by the time it does , if we don't put our trust in the one who loves them more than we do.The one who has a plan and a purpose for our children.The one who created them and loved us enough to give us these precious gifts to raise.
It is hard being a Mother.The letting go,the trusting that our babies will be ok when they are away from us.We can choose to let go and let God.Or hold on to them with a death grip that will cause them to run.We can choose to spend our waking moments consumed with thoughts of how this person is ruining our lives.But He knows them better than we do.He will protect them.And while at this time in our lives we are not happy with our child's choice.We have to trust that it will all work out.Let go of the worry and fear.Let the Lord give you peace that will astound you.But you have to loosen your grip and let him take the hand of your beloved baby.And one day you will look back and realize that all the worrying,fear and unrest weren't necessary.For he or she is long gone and your child is doing just fine.They are in the care of the one who Loves them the most.
I lift my eyes up to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and creator of earth. He will not let your foot slip. He who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27