This morning I watched a skittish young squirrel that was scared to death of a piece of watermelon.Last night I had placed an old slice under the bird feeder.I'm assuming the squirrel was young.As they grow older they sure do get bolder.If they see something they want and it is right next to you they will come and get it.But this squirrel seemed scared to death of a piece of fruit.
He would skitter sideways towards it and run away,he would constantly look at it,look away,run towards it then run away again and again.At first it was amusing ,after 10 minutes of watching I wanted to yell"Its a watermelon,not a bomb,just go get it! But how was he to know? He or she is a squirrel.They live in a world where the unknown is dangerous.One wrong move and you are someones lunch.Or a pancake lying in the road.Life is scary when you are a tiny squirrel.You must always proceed with caution.
Even though we are not squirrels at times we live our lives like them.We become fearful of the unknown.Hesitant to try something new,something that is out of our comfort zone.The what if's take over and we stay right where we are.Staring at the watermelon slice,that we sure would like to have,but something keeps us away from it.We constantly look at it,run towards it,but then we run away.The endless cycle of doubt starts.
We may want to get to know someone but are afraid to invite them over,what if they say no? Why would they want to spend time with me? We want to be involved in a ministry,take a class,or try something new.But as we start to move forward,we become skittish like the squirrel.The whispers start in our ears.You can't do that? Who are you to think you can? ,Why would they want to get to know you?What if you fail,what will people think?
Whispers that start small and are like the hissing of snakes,subtle and quitebut persistant.They are at their loudest when the Lord calls us to do something .The sound is deafening at times.Nothing can drown them out.
Jesus wants us to have an abundant life.He has given each person gifts and talents to use for his kingdom.He wants us to step out of our comfort zones.He promises to be with us.But we forget that most of the time.We continue to stay right where we are.We want to move forward,we have dreams of doing great things.We can see it,but something holds us back.
Think of the little squirrel.If He chose to be a little braver and step up to the watermelon.He would find out it is just fruit,that it tastes good,and all of it would be his.His little belly would be full.But instead He choses to torture himself this morning.He will never know the sweetness of the watermelon.The satisfaction of overcoming his fears.The joy of pushing himself past the fear and completing the mission
.Do you want to be the squirrel and spend your days wishing and hoping but never getting what you want? Will you waste your days running towards what He wants you to do,but when you are almost there,you run away like the little squirrel? Don;t listen to the whispers that try to talk you out of what He wants you to do.All you have to do is take the first step.He will be there every step of the way.Trust him.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."