Expectations, we all have them.We expect certain things from people in our lives.Our spouses, friends,coworkers,even more from our pastors.We will have a thought stuck in our minds of how this person will react and the sad thing is most of the time,they do not respond how we had hoped.
I think of a friend ,it was her birthday.She had many friends and relatives.All day she waited for them to call her or stop by to wish her a happy birthday.But the phone did not ring,nor did the doorbell.And so by the end of the day she sat crying on her bed,the thoughts running through her mind that no one cared,here were people she had known for years,why even her best friend did not call.She had expected them to remember and they had let her down.
It was not that these people didn't love her.There were many that did.But our lives are so filled to the brim with commitments,stress,and distractions that we do forget the little things like birthdays,or making that phone call when we know friends that are struggling with life and could use some encouragement.We put things on the back burner so to speak and charge forward each day trying to get everything done that is on our to do list.We are running at break neck speed and we disappoint people or forget to make that call or stop in for that visit.
Someone had told me years ago.If they are human they will let you down.But Jesus will not.He is the only one in your life who will always be there.Someone else told me in life we need to lower our expectations when it comes to people.We are all flawed,we may have good intentions but we will always at some point drop the ball in the game of life.This makes us wonder if everyone is going to fail us in some way why bother to have friends,Why set ourselves up for a fall?
Jesus did not put us on this earth to go it alone.Think how boring that would be? We would never be hurt or let down but im sure spending time with just ourselves would get old real quick.I think of the people in my life that will say" I don't need people".How sad is that?The real reason behind that comment is fear.Fear of rejection, fear of being hurt, we are vulnerable,giving a bit of ourselves that yes, might possiblly be hurt at some point.Why they might even let us down and then that would be painful wouldn't it? So they keep to themselves,growing more bitter and more alone each day.Without God and other people the heart can start to wither and become hard and cold.If we start to keep track of the times people have let us down,we will quickly become angry,the bitterness will begin to seep in.One by one we will start to distance ourselves from others.
Jesus wants us to have a life full of joy.He wants us to surround ourselves with others who can encourage us when we need it.To be there when we are suffering.We cannot go it alone.We are all flawed in some way.We will all eventually let someone down.But the fact is that we are human.The only perfect one is Jesus.He will surround you with people who will love you and be there for you,but we cannot expect them to be perfect.We need to look at others through His eyes.Forgive those who have not done what was expected.Jesus forgives us over and over again.How wonderful is that? Today why not ask him to give you his eyes and his forgiving heart,your day will be one filled with blessings and wonder.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Blessings Dee